How to do Sportswear Marketing properly

With over twenty-four years of experience working with established sportswear brands, we have gained the knowledge of how brands should touch their consumer in a brand positive way, whilst maintaining their brand values.

With the rise in popularity of social media, the internet, YouTube and search engines, today’s consumer is bombarded with messages and advertising from every platform and it’s therefore important that your brand message stands out but maintains your brand values.

With so many online marketing channels and consumers being continually hit upon with online marketing every minute of every day, your brand must stand out for the right reason to maintain a strong online presence. Many companies try to market across multiple channels and struggle to keep a strong brand identity across these channels at once. Therefore, you must pick the right channels and master them first. For instance, you could choose; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with Facebook and Instagram primarily for selling and storytelling and Twitter being more customer interaction, service and care.

The sportswear industry has had to change their mindsets on how they promote their products, as the market grew and marketing, therefore, became more competitive and harder to gain traction. And with several new channels offering fresh opportunities in building a brand’s identity, market leaders concluded that big-name sponsorships are not enough anymore. The playbook on marketing strategies for sportswear brands has grown and has expanded into many unfamiliar areas. If you’re hoping to make sure that 2021 becomes your brand’s year, here’s how we can help you reach your target audience!

​When creating your online adverts, it’s paramount these represent your brand language and message and therefore it’s important that whoever manages this aspect understands your brand, your target consumer and the sport or activity you are focused on. The Blue Associates Sportswear team all do sport. We have a weekly run together and all do our individual sports throughout the week, be it running, cycling, gym, pilates or rugby. Our participation in sport allows us to know what the athlete feels, wears, looks like, thinks and suffers. Working with us on your marketing campaign maintains authenticity rather than working through an agency that markets corn flakes one week and accountancy practices the next.

So many times, we see adverts for performance sportswear brands using models with full makeup or wearing totally unsuitable accessories. We see models pretending to carry out the sport the brand stands for but clearly hasn’t ever done this sport before because posture and position are all wrong. It’s paramount the model can hold a club, racket or sit on a bicycle with knowledge and experience, otherwise, you lose authenticity and the consumer will see straight through it.

As the competition in the sportswear industry grows, the more resourceful sports brands and start-ups need to be. Nowadays, it’s not enough to just do everything on your own — admittedly, even the biggest brands reach out to sports marketing agencies for an extra hand. The Internet and the technology sector continues to grow every day, making it harder for those not experienced enough with marketing to feel left behind.

This is where our years of experience comes in. We help many of our clients create the right level of noise that suits their brand and customer expectations, then broadcast this on the relevant channels; whether it’s social platforms, websites, YouTube or online advertisements. We can help you understand the full scope of today’s new platforms and ensure consistent implementation in your marketing campaigns.

​Having a continued brand eye on the final look and feel of the website and marketing collateral feeds back into the importance of “Brand” and it’s in our interest to make sure your brand, product and launch are as perfect as possible, and you succeed.

Contact us today to talk about support with your sportswear start-up and its online marketing.

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