Looking for the best quality activewear factory

If you are trying to source a technical sportswear factory that produces any of the above, then look no further. We have a solution for all of the above but we’re not a jack-of-all-trades, we only work with performance sportswear brands and have a suitable factory to match your needs

We don’t represent one factory that can do all of the above, instead, we have partnered with over 20 factories around the globe from Europe to the Far East, all of which we have worked with and trust 100%.

Each supplier has its own speciality, be it a specific fabric type or manufacturing technique and knowledge. We select a supplier based on your product requirements and overall brief and take into account minimums, service, quality and labour skills when we select a suitable partner for you.

Working with a factory that specialises in a specific product or fabric creates a much better product and a better cost. Because they specialise, they become experts in their field and experts not only produce better quality but they can produce at much more competitive prices due to buying and producing a similar product each and every day.

For instance, we have just taken on a client that was producing their entire sportswear with one supplier with average results. The quality and price were fine but not great and therefore the range never excelled.

We immediately divided their range up into different product types and placed each with a more suitable factory that specialized in that type of product. Instantly the client could see improvements in the quality of each product but the cost price was reduced too which allowed them to improve margin while providing their customer with a better quality product.

If you are looking for a quality sportswear factory, then contact us today for support in finding a suitable sportswear factory for you.

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