Looking for a trustworthy, reliable and ethical factory?
This pack provides a tailored service that provides you with the contact details for a suitable factory based on your requirements.
We have been sourcing sportswear for over 25 years and have built up a wide network of trusted factories that produce some of the very best sportswear in the world for leading brands. Many of these factories are hidden or extremely hard to find as they cannot advertise who they make for.
Purchase this pack and then complete the questionnaire and we will then provide you with the most suitable factory contact details based on your needs. We will take into account the location of the factory, the type of products you want to produce, the selling price you want to achieve and your projected order volume.
This service a completely bespoke and we will only suggest the most suitable factory based on the information you provide in the questionnaire.
Pack 4
A comprehensive database of most of performance fabric mills that specialise in performance activewear and sports specific fabrics.
The database is broken down into categories of fabric types/structure and all mills have contact details for you to request hangers and information.
If you are looking for performance fabrics for your sportswear line, then this database is for you.
Pack 5
A database of the main trim suppliers from around the world for you to source all of your labels, zips, studs, buttons and appliques from.
The database is broken down into categories and all trim suppliers have contact details for you to request samples and information.
Looking for trim suppliers that specialise in performance sportswear, then this database is for you.
Once you have the contact details, you can then start to discuss your development directly with them and start the sampling process.
Please note that once you have ordered the Bundle packs, you will receive an email with a link to the downloadable guide. Please check your spam if this doesn’t arrive straight away. Please note that the content within the guide is owned by Blue Associates Sportswear and cannot be shared or duplicated in any way. Also note that once downloaded, the pack is non-refundable.