Harper is our Studio dog and comes to work every day.
Her contribution isn’t much to applaud, however, her timekeeping, courier driver/postman greetings and team cuddles are pretty impressive.
Harper obviously offers much more than this and whenever she wakes from a well-deserved snooze, wanders around the studio from one team member to another to offer her fluffy head as a palm tickler. Her chilled vibe rubs off onto the team and generally lifts the mood of the whole team.
This is what it means to have Harper in the office every day.
I spend more time with Harper than anyone else (even the wife and kids). She lives, works, run’s and walks with me. She even holidays with me now were in staycation mode and so not having Harper here would be just weird.
“Harper is the floofy sunshine on a cloudy day. She is the mental health pooch. She completes me.”
Harper is like the office Psychiatrist, she can go to anyone in the office and bring a little brightness to their day.
Harper warms me up. She’s like a little radiator on chilly winter days.
Likes to play ball, but also doesn’t like to share ball with which to play.
“Harpers the most cuddliest, loving dog and is the best office dog”
Harper puts a massive smile on my face every day she runs through the door making piggy noises. A true office gem. Everyone I know is her number one fan, except the postman.. (sorry).
She may not know her own name or grasp the basic concept of being a dog, but never fails to keep us entertained.
Also a very hard worker, this is proved with the tie.

Having Harper in the office means all the fun of having a dog without owning one. She never fails to make us laugh and brighten up the day!